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Author: M. Ziegler
Big Five Inventory of Personality in Occupational Situations
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Please note that this product can only be administered if you have a valid Vienna Test System administration software license for VTS online or a local VTS version 8.2.00 or higher.

Field of Application+

Detailed Description+

Assesses the Big Five dimensions of personality: Extraversion, Agreeableness (team orientation), Conscientiousness, Emotional stability, (resilience) and Openness in various situations (flexibility) and Situational perception.
The B5PS is a multi-dimensional test that can be used on a modular basis. It assesses aspects of personality that are relevant to occupational success, and does so using a completely new approach. It considers not only personality traits but also the influence of the current situation in the form of the individual’s situational perception (monotony, expectation of results, vitality, cognitive load and mental and physical load). This concept is based on the recognition that the same situation can be perceived completely differently by different people and that in consequence people do not all behave in the same way in particular situations, even if they have similar personalities. Combining these two aspects enables the B5PS to provide the best prediction of success in the context of staff and management assessments and to facilitate comprehensive and targeted promotion of candidates in the context of staff development.

Test forms+

S1: Standard form
S2: Short form
S3: Modular form
S4: Screening form


In all test forms, situations that might be encountered at work are first described. For each situation, test forms S1 and S2 require respondents to describe both their perception of the situation and their behavior on a six-point scale.

In the modularized test form S3 and the screening form S4, only their own behavior needs to be described. Each answer may be corrected once.


Work-related aspects of personality




English (USA)






Depending on the test form, approx. 7-70 minutes if all subtests are presented.


Norms for ages 17+.

Test administration+

Controlled Mode

Proctored Mode

Open Mode

Products specifications
Test typePersonality Structure Inventories
LanguagesDutch, English (USA), French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Spanish