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Author: G. Schuhfried
Inventory for testing cognitive abilities
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Please note that this product can only be administered if you have a valid Vienna Test System administration software license for VTS online or a local VTS version 8.13.00 or higher.

Field of Application+

Detailed Description+

Measures general cognitive ability and specific performance indicators for logical-, verbal and numerical reasoning, visual-spatial ability as well as long-term memory.

The main areas of application of the INT are the areas of staff & management assessments, jobs & career placement, safety & security, and academic testing.

Test forms+

There are two test forms that differ in the presentation of the item material and in the specific content of the items. There is no overlap between the item material of the test forms.

The standard form S1 comprises five subtests and is intended for supervised administration only. The items are presented linearly.

The adaptive standard form S2 comprises five subtests and can be administered without supervision. The test items can be presented adaptively, randomized, or linearly depending on the setting. Easy, medium, and difficult forms are available for all three presentation types. In addition, the test duration and abort criteria can be defined individually.


In the subtest Logical Reasoning the respondent’s task is to select a field from an item with nine fields that does not follow the same rules as the other eight fields.

In the subtest Numerical Ability the respondent is shown equations without any arithmetical signs. The respondent's task is to select the arithmetical signs so that the equation is correct.

The task in the Verbal Ability subtest is to correctly recognize and apply lexical relations.

In the subtest Visual-spatial ability the respondent is shown an object from two different perspectives. The respondent's task is to correctly recognize from which perspective the start view needs to be looked at to be identical to the target view. 

In the subtest Long-term memory, the respondent must memorize information during a learning phase and later recall it during a test phase in order to answer questions on the information memorized earlier.


Cognitive abilities



English (USA)










Test form S1: approx. 59 minutes

Test form S2: depending on the subtest, the presentation type or target reliability selected in advance.


Norms from 14 years (up to 87 years).

Test administration+

Controlled Mode

Proctored Mode

Open Mode

Products specifications
Test typeIntelligence Test Batteries
LanguagesChinese, Czech, English (USA), French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Spanish