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Author: W. Sturm
Perception and attention functions battery
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Please note that this product can only be administered if you have a valid Vienna Test System administration software license for VTS online or a local VTS version 8.10.00 or higher.

This product requires an additional device. For more information please contact us.

Field of Application+

Detailed Description+

Measures subfunctions of attention.
These subfunctions measure alertness, vigilance & sustained attention, focused attention, divided attention, selective attention, spatial attention & neglect, smooth pursuit eye movements, and visual scanning.
Long and short forms are available for the subtests which make it possible to measure dimensions of attention under different presentation modalities. There are thus WAF subtests for visual, auditory, or cross-modal test presentations. In some subtests of the WAF test battery automated and controlled (top-down) aspects of attention are also measured separately; the stimuli either become more prominent because the intensity level is increased ("popping out"), or they become less prominent. Both attention processes are relevant in everyday life; both can interact and both can be selectively impaired, for example as a result of brain damage, since they are based on different cerebral networks.
Attention performances are important for the successful handling of the tasks that the individual encounters in daily life. They are not independent of other skills but are a constituent of many processes of perception, memory, planning and acting, spatial orientation and problem-solving. Attention functions are thus basic skills that are required in almost every practical or intellectual activity. Many neurological and psychological disorders and diseases have an adverse effect on different aspects of attention performance. The WAF tests, which are model and guideline compliant (GNP), are therefore used mainly in the context of clinical neuropsychological investigations since they provide both a global and a differentiated assessment of an individual’s strengths and weaknesses. They are also used for personnel selection (especially in the field of manufacturing & safety assessments) and for traffic psychological investigations. 

Test forms+

Dimensions of attention can be assessed using different presentation modes (visual, auditory or cross-modal) within a single test form. Overall, 42 subtests are available which can be presented independently or in any combination thanks to the extended options of the WAF Wizard.

Predefined standard tests, depending on the investigations, also offer a fast/simple possibility for screening, obtaining a general overview, or for testing with different presentation modalities, for different neuropsychological disorders or on children.



There is a standard form and a short form for every subtest.

Subtests: intrinsic (visual, auditory), phasic (unimodal visual, unimodal auditory, cross-modal visual, cross-modal auditory)

Vigilance and sustained attention

There is a standard form and a short form for every subtest. The short forms for sustained attention have been developed especially for children and young people.

Subtests: vigilance (visual, auditory), sustained attention (visual, auditory)

Focused attention

Subtests: unimodal (visual, auditory), cross-modal (visual/auditory)

Divided attention

There is a standard form and a short form for every subtest. In addition, a simple form is available, primarily for the use of the cross-modal subtest in geriatric assessment.

Subtests: unimodal (visual), cross-modal (visual/auditory)

Spatial attention & neglect

Subtests: controlled or automated spatial shift of attention An additional subtest checks neglect under extinction conditions.

Selective attention

Subtests: unimodal (visual, auditory), cross-modal (visual/auditory)

Smooth pursuit eye movements

Standard form and short form.

Visual scanning

Standard form and short form.



In subtests on intrinsic alertness, the respondent reacts to a simple visual or auditory stimulus. In subtests on phasic alertness, additional cues are given in the same stimulus modality or a different one. For intrinsic alertness, fatigue and resilience parameters can be measured thanks to special norming.

Vigilance and sustained attention

The respondent reacts as soon as he/she notices an intensity change in a black square on the screen or in a tone.

Focused attention

Depending on the subtest, the respondent is required to focus simultaneously on two different geometric figures, on a sound in a babble of voices or on one visual and one auditory stimulus. At certain intervals the stimuli change their position and intensity. The respondent reacts as soon as the defined stimulus becomes either lighter or softer twice in succession.

Divided attention

Depending on the subtest, the respondent is required to focus simultaneously on two different geometric figures or on one figure and one auditory stimulus. At certain intervals the stimuli change their intensity. The respondent reacts as soon as one of the two stimuli becomes either lighter or softer twice in succession.

Selective attention

The respondent receives various geometric and/or auditory stimuli. He/She reacts to intensity changes in predefined relevant conditions.

Spatial attention & neglect

The spatial orienting of attention is measured using four spatial positions in a task similar to a Posner paradigm. The respondent reacts to peripheral (exogenous) and central (endogenous) spatial cues.

In the neglect test, the respondent reacts to stimuli presented at various positions in the right or left visual field or simultaneously in equivalent positions in both halves of the field of vision (extinction condition).

Smooth pursuit eye movements

With his/her eyes, the respondent tracks a circle that is moving across the screen and reacts as soon as the circle becomes brighter.

Visual scanning

The respondent scans a 6×6 matrix of visually similar stimuli in order to decide whether a predefined stimulus is present or not.







English (USA)


Chinese (Taiwan)















Alertness: Between 2 and 5 minutes, depending on the subtest.
Vigilance and sustained attention: Between 18 and 32 minutes per subtest.
Focused attention: Approx. 10 minutes per subtest.
Divided attention: Between 6 and 15 minutes per subtest.
Selective attention: Approx. 8 minutes per subtest.
Spatial attention & neglect: Between 6 and 12 minutes per subtest.
Smooth pursuit eye movements: Between 3 and 5 minutes per subtest.
Visual scanning: Between 7 and 15 minutes per subtest.


Norms for ages 7+.

Test administration+

Controlled Mode

Products specifications
Test typeSpecial Ability Tests
LanguagesChinese, Chinese (Taiwan), Czech, Dutch, English (USA), Farsi, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Slovene, Spanish, Turkish