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Vienna Spelling Test
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Please note that this product can only be administered if you have a valid Vienna Test System administration software license for VTS online or a local VTS version 8.11.00 or higher.

Field of Application+

Detailed Description+

Assesses the ability to spell.
Despite the fact that in our everyday lives we have access to an ever-increasing range of tools that help us to spell correctly, these tools are merely a means of support and no substitute for the learned ability to spell.
WRST is based on the recent spelling reforms in Germany and Austria. It is designed to test the spelling ability of young people and adults in a work-related context, especially in connection with recruitment, selection of trainees and occupational rehabilitation.

Test forms+

S1: Standard form.
S2: Parallel form.
S3: Screening form (standard).
S4: Screening form (parallel).


Depending on which test form is used, the respondent either fills in the gaps in a dictated text (S1 & S2) or checks a given text for errors of spelling and grammar (S3 & S4).

The texts deal with work-related matters but do not require any specialist knowledge. They are therefore suitable for everyone, whatever their previous work experience.


Cognitive abilities




Between 15 and 20 minutes, depending on the test form.


Norms for ages 14+.

Test administration+

Controlled Mode

Proctored Mode

Open Mode

Products specifications